DESIGN and past projects
This website is dedicated to my FINE ART portfolio, plein air activities and learning.
but I wanted to include a page with a few of my old projects. After 45 years of commercial work - they are too numerous to mention.
Much of my professional work since the age of 17 has been for manufacturing and print companies. Doing type layout and fabrication drawings by hot wax paste up and pencil...and later by digital illustration and laser fabrication technologies. Everything from archaic cast metal typesetting for letterpress and hand engraved illustrations to painting logos on trucks and signage.

Between teaching gigs and art sales - my design & illustration work has kept the wolf from the door and provided a balance of business & creativity.
I still do some coin design, commissions and partnership "donations" for select causes that are dear to me - but concentrate my limited, aging energies on pursuing my joy painting on location. I am happy to help with advice or mentoring to worthy projects - but won't be getting up on any ladders.

detail from a 36 x 108 inch scratchboard illustration - for a 30 ft mural
the original is on display at the Sunshine Coast Regional Museum
in Gibsons Landing BC. Canada. 2007
beneath my Preston Lilac - in my garden. The inspiration for the design of a collector coin for the Royal Canadian Mint. 2017
Conceptual digital renderings for new Hatchery & educational buildings at Hartley Bay First Nations BC community. An artist in residence project & commission.
An original triptych painting for a private client in Palm Desert California.
featuring the valley mountains at sunrise, local palms & flora.
Carved & painted signage and custom designed banners for a local community project.
After many years volunteering on cultural organization boards, jurys and events...I also get asked for many donations. I like to work WITH the organization to create a lasting, ongoing fundraiser and use the "image" donated as more than just a single painting to raffle or auction off. There are lots of creative ways to work together.
HERE is ONE: Part of an ongoing fundraiser for the Granthams Landing Community Wharf (my neighborhood) a series of prints and sets of art cards available
The Wharf was damaged by a ferocious storm and needed urgent repair. Although not in a position to provide "funds" directly - I suggested we prompt others to give generously and immediately.
Each donor that gave $2000+ was offered an original 12x16 painting. I created x6 original paintings - and donated the print copyright to the association. The project raised over $17,000.00! and is still going.